Module 1: I Am From...
We have provided two templates for the “I Am From …” activity, one of which works best if you are working with school-aged youth.
Please download and work through one or both of these templates and develop your, “I am From …” poem. When you are done, and if you are comfortable doing so, please make a video of yourself reading the poem. A video made using your phone will be perfect. Click below to post this video on the private M.O.O.C. Flipgrid. The password is: iamfrom400YEARS
We have already placed some of our “I Am From …” videos there so that you can hear different versions of the poem.
Please download and work through one or both of these templates and develop your, “I am From …” poem. When you are done, and if you are comfortable doing so, please make a video of yourself reading the poem. A video made using your phone will be perfect. Click below to post this video on the private M.O.O.C. Flipgrid. The password is: iamfrom400YEARS
We have already placed some of our “I Am From …” videos there so that you can hear different versions of the poem.
If you are interested in moving more deeply with these ideas, we have included some ideas for further learning at the end of the module. These are not exhaustive but are meant to help you think more about what we have presented. If you have other ideas about what we might include, please feel free to send them to us at [email protected]
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