2019 was the 400th Anniversary of the arrival of the first Africans to be sold into bondage in North America: in 1619 at Jamestown. We called on families, organizations, neighborhoods and cities to observe the anniversary by telling their stories of oppression and resistance... and across the country, people gathered in observances large and small.
In order to plan the observances of the anniversary in 2019, we asked people to revisit the past and learn about efforts to win freedom and equality. The history we learned in school often left out or mis-represented the story of inequality and the long people’s fight for equality. We created tools to help communities organize, observe the anniversary, and build a just future.
In order to plan the observances of the anniversary in 2019, we asked people to revisit the past and learn about efforts to win freedom and equality. The history we learned in school often left out or mis-represented the story of inequality and the long people’s fight for equality. We created tools to help communities organize, observe the anniversary, and build a just future.
400 Years of Inequality is a coalition of organizations and individuals dedicated to dismantling structural inequality and building strong, healthy communities.
400 Years of Inequality is a coalition of organizations and individuals dedicated to dismantling structural inequality and building strong, healthy communities.